
Colorado, what now?

Boy, what a week this was!

Work was a drag, and the people were…annoying. Plus, I was very busy academically-wise, and I took my first college test. On Philosophy. It was frankly not that bad, just long — four pages long.

This week seemed a bit more unbearable than the last, due to Labor Day, which lessened the amount of time spent on campus.

I’m a bit nervous about next Monday, because that’s the day of my Theater preliminaries. They were due this week, but a girl from my group wasn’t here. So, for us, preliminaries are on Monday, and on Wednesday we have our ‘final.’ A couple of weeks ago, the theater prof broke us off into groups — in my case, a group of three females, including myself — and assigned each group a scene from the play we were supposed to read. Each group was also assigned a ‘director.’ So basically the Theater majors, were linked with the direction majors.

At first, when we (meaning my group and I) met the director, well, he seemed a bit pretentious. And I’m not just saying that to be mean, but you know what they say…that first impressions are the ones with most import. Nonetheless, when we all met again, for rehearsels, we were shocked to see that that wasn’t the case. He was really professional. And, I really really enjoyed working with a director. It’s the first time I’ve had the opportunity to truly work with a director for an extended period of time, and it’s so beautiful to see how all of our ideas merge together, to make the scene better. I enjoyed it all so much that I even started toying with the idea of taking some direction courses in the future.

Nonetheless, the preliminaries are on Monday, and even though it’s a comedy my character isn’t funny at all. In fact, she is sick, and at the end of the scene, she dies. First, it was planned that I was going to fall to the floor, and that idea didn’t bother me in the least. Now, since it’s “funnier,” I’m supposed to collapse into a desk. After that was settled, we haven’t had any more opportunities of rehearsing, and that particular thing worries me. I mean, what if it doesn’t look realistic enough? Another thing is that, every time I fall down onto it, I always hit my stomach. And it freaking hurts! Sigh…

On Wednesday I was wearing my NYU t-shirt — which definitely shows my “Team Spirit” and love to my own school ;P — and a girl in my dorm asked me if I’d gone there, as in participated in an intership or something. I said no, that I wish I had, that I had only visited the school last summer. She told me that she had asked me because she was thinking of doing a semester or a year (I can’t remember) abroad there . And that certainly piqued my interest. Wouldn’t it be amazing  me further if I could do the same thing? Except, I wouldn’t come back. I’d finish in NYU… But, to my dismay, I checked my school’s website and in my school only junior ans senior can go abroad. And, while that program is great, (I get to pay the same lowly amount I am now to study in NYU?! Whoa.) I can’t wait until I’m in my junior year to leave. I’d kill myself. I would do it, if only I’d like this place. But there are so many things I hate. And it isn’t just about the school itself. They’re not about the friends issue… It’s so much more. (Fyi, NYU was one of my top-choices, up until I realized that a. I wasn’t going to be able to pay their tuition — they’re so expensive — and, b. They weren’t going to accept me.)

Also, on Wednesday, I saw the girl that I met the first week of school. (We instantly bonded on the fact that we were both freshman and homesick. We also share the same first name.) She came, with a friend, into the library while I was working.  She told me she had met some girls, and that they were really nice and had a car, so they hung out a lot. Suffice to say, now she was dorming with them. (Her previous roommate wasn’t nice and always ignored her.) Now she is living in the third floor like am I, which is weird because I’ve never seen her around. Maybe that’s because of my schedule. I swear, she knew (and said hi) to so many people that went by us. And while it doesn’t surprise me — I’d knew she’d be fine; she’s so extroverted and bubbly — it made me a bit sad. I mean, how does one make friends? And I’m saying like friends friends, not just study-budies or something. It just seems so impossible to me…


My first Art ‘test’ is due for Sept. I have to write a two page essay on my experience of visiting the school’s Art Gallery. (It’s currently featuring a collection done by a local artist.) I’m quite freaked, and I really want to do a great job, because I’ve never written anything like that before. I mean, I have to write TWO pages about MY experience. Of course I’ve written long research projects, but not long opinionated essays. Eek! Also, he extended the date (at first, it was due for this Monday), because next Wednesday the artist will come and give a lecture, and there will also be a Q & A… Hopefully that will give me more material to write about.

Ooh, I almost forgot. Something that has been bothering me this week is my classmates. Whenever I see them around, well, if they notice me I’ll say hi or smile or something. But everyone I’ve seen — outside of classes, that is…they always ignore me. And I can’t fathom why. I mean, they don’t have to talk to me. That’s not what I want. I just want to be nice. Like for example, there is this girl in my Voice & Speech class — she always seems very nice and all. Nonetheless, she never fails to pass right by me, before I enter my Art class. I’m always there, whether I’m standing up or sitting down. And I always look, now surreptitiously, since she never looks my way, but just in case she might and I’d be able to smile or something. But she doesn’t.

Sigh. I just don’t get it. People are pathetic, period.

Peace out, y’all.

Till next time.

P.S. My birthday’s this week. On Tuesday. How fun! I’m being sarcastic, of course.

Are friends necessary?

Do I need friends?

Walking around the campus all I see is a constant frenzy of people. With others in constant chatter. Talking, talking, talking.

And I ask myself: Do I want this? Do I need this?

I wonder if my answer is no. (I think it is.)

I’ve always considered myself anti-teen, if such term exists, meaning that I never felt that I was like others or cared about the same things people my age thought as important. Later, I discovered I was an introvert. (Note: Not all the introverts aren’t the same. Some do enjoy socializing, I don’t.)

I always treasured meaningful conversations — reality is, those rarely happen. The way things have been these past weeks in college, well, let’s just say that it doesn’t bother me, and I could see it becoming a pattern. Into a pattern that will become repetitive this semester, and the next one. (Meaning, no friends.)

My mom says not to worry, this is about studying, although for some fun too. I know it that. But, it doesn’t bother me to be alone. People come and go. The easiest thing would be to befriend someone from one of my classes. Although it doesn’t always seem becoming to talk in class. Some courses do seem to welcome the chatter (like my Theater class), but my Philosophy class demands my full attention.

I wonder if almost all the other freshman made friends so fast because they instantly clicked with their roommates. Or maybe they’re so extraverted and sociable that making friends was nothing to worry over. Perhaps the whole thing is exciting to them. My roommate and I have a bond. A roommate bond. I don’t think we’re friends. We talk, but she’s mostly out with her friends. Maybe she’s always out because I’m boring (my mom mentioned this, not in a mean condescending way, just as matter-of-fact). But, how can I be un-boring? Did you know that once I took a Determine Your Real Age test online and it said that I was thirty-five? (Not that I fully believe it, but still…)

Ironic how now that I’m not in High School I yearn for it. For its convenience, for its commodity. Everybody knew me, and I knew them, I did my obligatory socialization — mostly during recess, and, then, at two o’ clock in the afternoon I returned home. To do want I wanted, and obviously don’t need to small talk at home. (I enjoy talking to my mom.)

So, again, do I need friends? I know that I could stay like this for now. Specially since I plan to transfer next year. The only people I need to talk to is my roommate, and (sometimes) my professors. And to the rest, well, I’ll just be civil and polite.

I’ve certainly thought If I transfer next year, will I feel the same way as I do now? And I can never stop thinking how it will be different, because hopefully be in New York City. The place where I had been wanting to live in since I knew it existed. The place where it doesn’t matter who you are, you will fit in. (That’s what I love about it.)

I was talking about this yesterday with my mom. I started crying, and my mom asked me what I hated about the college I was in. She suggested that I could transfer next semester to the college that’s closer to home, the one that actually offered me to pay everything. (I didn’t go there because they don’t have a Theater major, not even acting classes. And, besides, a lot of my friends are there and I didn’t want it to be just like high school.)

But, the thing is, I’m afraid I won’t fit there either. Besides, I don’t think my dream Acting Conservatory (or any other University, really) will like to see in my transcript that in my freshman year I changed schools twice, and that I’m planning to transfer again. That will probably make me seem unreliable.


Update on Mockingjay: Oh.My.God! This book was amazing! (It literally made me laugh and cry and stuff.) After class on Tuesday, my dad took me to Borders. I started to read it at 7 PM, but by 2 AM I decided to stop reading because it was late. On Wednesday, I continued reading it (from 8 PM – 2:30 AM), but I went to sleep at 6 AM. I needed to distract myself and gush about it on the Internet. I really can’t stop thinking about this book. It’s so masochistic because even though it hurt, I want to read it again.

Everyone MUST read The Hunger Games trilogy. Mockingjay was a fantastic end to a phenomenal series. I’m so glad Suzanne Collins (the author) didn’t succumb to the non-spoken rules of the YA literature. She did things her way, and I love her for it.


The Freshman Girl 🙂


 Now, onto more important and pressing matters about one of the things that I love most in life.

The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins.

And, Mockingjay, the third and last book of the series, is going to be released TOMORROW, Tuesday, August 24th!

Actually, as I’m typing right now, there are only 4 hours and 56 minutes to the midnight release. Which is obviously tonight! Sadly, there are no midnight releases where I live. I so wish that I’d live in NYC, so I could go to the Books of Wonder midnight release party. Suzanne Collins is attending. And there’ll have activities, discussions, and such.


It’s unbelieveable and surreal, yet sad and happy how I’ll have the book in my hands tomorrow. I can’t wait. I’ve been coveting Mockingjay ever since I finished reading Catching Fire (HG sequel) on September 3rd, 2009. But, on the other side, this is the last book. And I’d wish I could have more.


Gah, I love The Hunger Games so much.

I’ll definitely be decked out in my HG gear tomorrow. 😉

Sincerely, this week will be mostly about HG and less about studying. Yesterday, I read HG. Today I’m planning to read CF. And tomorrow it’s certain that, yet again, I won’t sleep because I’ll be reading MJ.

It sucks that tomorrow I have to work again at the library. At the morning, and at the afternoon too. By the time I get my hands on MJ, people would have already finished it. Or would, at  least, be reading it. Having it in their hands… I have to wait till 6:30 PM –when my shift is over– and then my dad will pick me up and take me to Borders.

(AHHH! I just can’t wait to have it. This has been the most excited I’ve ever been about a book’s release….)

My logic and common sense are saying that I must read a play that my Theater prof assigned, but my heart and soul are saying “Heck with that. The Hunger Games deserve it.”

And, so do I.

Viva la Mockingjay.

PS: I hope this book debuts at #1 in the NY Times bestseller list. It most likely will, but I really hope it does.

Work & Study

Today was my first day at work in my college’s library.

The school’s not actually paying me, I qualified for the Work & Study program, so that’s what I’ll be doing.

The job was definitely not what I was expecting. I remember when I was in the Financial Aid office, filling out the forms for the WS, and the lady offered me another job. I didn’t sound appetizing, it didn’t sound like me. Quickly, I asked her about the library. I mean, I love books, and working at the library would be the perfect place for me.

Organizing books, helping people out, etc.

Instead, unbeknownst to me, I was assigned to work in the Computer Lab, which is inside the Library.

Lovely, lucky me.

I must sound so ungrateful, and, yes, it wasn’t that awful, but I was sitting behind a computer. I basically asked the people who came in their student number, and told them to sign the Computer Lab User List. Oh, and I helped two old guys –who I would have never imagined that they were students– how to use the computers and such.

What annoyed me the most was that I felt that I was wasting time. Doing nothing, basically. Sure, I know, Work & Study is good, specially if you do need aid. And, heck, who wouldn’t want a job where you didn’t have to do much…

Ugh. Usually, these days, I don’t know what I want. I just wish I felt happier. Motivated. Not lonely…

I really wish I could transfer for the next semester, but I know that’s impossible. Truthfully, I began this year already knowing that I wanted to transfer to another uni (or hopefully a conservatory, which would be even better) for sophomore year. The thing that scares me, though, is the fact that to the teachers you are a number here. They teach so many students, so how are they going to remember you. How am I going to ask them for reference letters if they’re not going to honestly know what to write about me?!

And I’d have to ask for two letters…


The sadness creeps even though it’s Saturday. Tomorrow, yet again, I’ll leave for my third week at college.

Last week I felt hope, on that last Sunday. My roommate and I had a nice talk. We talked about lots of things, got to know each other much better, and made plans to hang out together. I was also hopeful and had expected that my week would be fun, great.

I suppose I keep breaking my own rules because I know shouldn’t expect. Shouldn’t preject.

I keep hoping that things would get better but they don’t. Last week I even considered dropping off. Frankly, I’m miserable, and I feel so alone. And, after a quick Google search I found out that homesickness and feeling like you don’t fit in is one of the top reasons why people drop out.

It doesn’t surprise me. I wish I could drop out. Sadly, I wouldn’t have anything else to do if I did. Plus, dropping out is unbecoming in our society.

I hope someday everything does get better because I don’t like this in the least.

On other news, I got assigned to work in the Library as my Work & Study job. I’m happy that I got to work there, but due to the fact that I leave Thursdays to go back home, I have to work twelve hours.

In three days.

And that worries me that I won’t have time for nothing much except work, and just a little of study. I pretty much enjoy being alone for a while and all… I suppose now that’ ruined. I’ll have less time to relax, do things at a calmed pace, check my email, visit the websites and forums I always go to, etc. It worries me more, specifically becuse this week Mockingjay –the third and last book in The Hunger Games trilogy (aka the best books in the world– will be release this Tuesday.

This freaking Tuesday, August 24.

Sigh. It’s horrible that I will have to wait until 7:00 PM or later –when finish my shift in the library– to go buy the book. I really hope my dad keeps his promise and takes me to buy it.

If not, I’ll die.

(Again, those are seriously the best books ever! You MUST read them!)

I have to go. It’s ten o’ clock and tomorrow will be Sunday (ugh!); I’ve been very unproductive this whole weekend, so I’m going to try to finish reading a play for my Acting class.

Gosh, I also hope I get better. (I’ve had a cold all this week.)

I hope this week is better. (And that the Work-Study thing is good and not overbearing.)

Wish me luck.

The Freshman Girl


It’s Sunday night and I’m here back at the dorm — I got here a couple of hours ago — and I have to go to sleep soon. (It’s twelve something, my first class starts at 9:30 AM.)

But, let me tell you, what a week this was.

The first days were really hard. I was lost, clueless, sad, homesick, lonely…I swear, I felt depressed and was on the verge of crying for many times. No, I’m certainly not a baby. I’m just not used to this. High School did not prepare me for this.

I felt better in the last day or two, let’s say, um, probably I felt better on Wednesday since I already knew were my classes were. It’s crazy because almost all my “classmates” are older than me; suffice to say that so far I’ve only met one freshman. Which was ironic because we met on the dorm’s kitchen, and she started talking, and later when we were saying goodbye and stuff, I told her “Nice to meet you. I’m ______.” And she was like “No, way! We have the same name.”

I really hope that we do see each other again. She seemed really nice, and extroverted, which is the exact opposite of me. She was a self proclaimed talker, and was suprisingly very easy to talk to. We bonded over the fact that we were sad and homesick and that this whole experience wasn’t as happy-go-lucky as all the college brochures and books say it is.

I think I met her on Wednesday too.

The other students, as I was saying, seem older. Well, they are. Specially in my Acting and Voice & Speech class, which makes everything a bit more dauting, knowing that they have more knowledge in those areas where I want to excel. So I really haven’t met anyone else. It’s okay, though, friends will come I guess.

I’m so happy that I liked my courses, save for my Philosophy class. It’s about Logic. The teacher was –compared to the other two– the most serious, and it was basically a lecture class but what irked me was that he talked very low and quiet, so it was hard to hear and copy everything he said.

So, learn how to make notes. (Frankly, I didn’t practice that in HS.)

But my remaining teachers, my Arts prof and my Voice & Speach and Acting prof (I take two courses with the same guy) are fun and amusing. So far! What really scares me is my Philosophy class; I wasn’t expecting it to be that way, really.

On Thursday I went back home. Yay! And I had a nice weekend. I didn’t during this week — my posts would’ve certainly been emo. But I feel better now.

Tomorrow there’s going to be auditions for one of the “greatest” clubs. It’s a performing arts club — singing, theater, dancing, the whole ordeal. And I’d love to audition and be part of it. My roommate is doing it, and she wants me to join too. But it’s scary. I’m shy and I’ve never auditioned for anything in my life. There’s always the first time for everything, right!

Wish me luck.

The Freshman Girl

Nighty, night

Today, overall, was a crazy, fast-paced day. I got visitors, and the hairdresser came a couple of hours late. (And chopped my hair off — at least I like it!)

One of the highlights of the day was my phone conversation with my sister and brother-in-law. They wished me the best, and gave me some advice. His piece of advice was literally the best I’ve heard so far.

Essentially what he said was this: Take one day at a time. Do not preject something because you are unsure/sad/stressed. Tomorrow is another day.

Nice, right?


-The Freshman Girl

ETA: Tomorrow I’ll officially be a freshman girl! Oh.my.God!

I move to THE dorms tomorrow.

And then I start the classes on Tuesday.

Oh, the horror!

So far I’ve been doing a good job at keeping my nerves (and my fear) at bay, by not dwelling thinking about it. Suffice to say, I’ve only felt that way twice: A couple of days ago, when I realized that basically my Summer break was over, and this morning, when I realized that I was leaving tomorrow.

The problem is that it is scary and nerve-racking. No matter how many times people say that you and your prospective classmates are in this “together,” and that we all feel this way….it doesn’t help. Truthfully, there actually are some people that must be excited about this (I’m not!), and that can’t wait to leave their homes.

I would’ve probably felt more excited if I was heading to my top-choice college, which I wasn’t able to go because with all the scholarships and aid it was still expensive. But that’s another story.

One of the things that most terrify me is meeting my roommate. My school doesn’t deal with the whole ’email thing,’ meaning that nobody will receive their roommate’s contact information, therefore I will meet my roommate –cold turkey– tomorrow.

The way I imagine it is this: I’m there all teary-faced because my mom is leaving (So what? Yes, I’m a momma’s girl!), and she comes there and enters the room all happy and excited, and I will feel obligated to say hi and do the ‘small talk thing’ with her, even though I don’t feel like it at all.

Or, what if she gets there first? And she takes the best side of the room.

What if she’s crazy/pyscho/klepto/or much to different from me?

Undoubtedly, one of the things I most dread is the small talk. I hate it with passion. Maybe I am biased since I prefer silence to talking in the first place, but I can just imagine the same ol’ subjects that people will make. “Hi, what’s your name? Where are you fron? What’s your major?”

I’m hoping somebody or that I, myself, will be able to say something different. But the nerves…

And I do get very nervous.

Then I proceed to do all those stupid nervous type of mannerisms.

Just like this guy here. *shudders*

No. Stop! I cannot judge the people I haven’t met.

I am a bit jealous of my friends, who still have two weeks left of Summer, and specially those who begin school in September. They are so lucky! Although, I am happy to get over this. When those friends of mine are starting school, nervous like I was, I will be already adapted (I hope!) to my school and dorm.

I just wish I had more time…to read, to relax. Even though I don’t have many things I’d like to do before I go, it feels like I want to do so much. Mainly things that involve my four-month-old cats (I have two; they’re my first pets, ever.), books, and my mom, basically.

I’m going to end this post because I have things to do (packing!), among other things. I’m freaking out. I hope I don’t forget anything major!

Conclusion: I’m leaving tomorrow and that’s all their is to it. I’m going to wake up and put on my big girl pants, huff a big puff, and just suck it up. Because that is all I can really do: Hope for the best, and forget all the what-ifs.

Wish me luck!

-Freshman Girl

Back to School

Greetings, everyone! Err, I mean, greetings reader. (Yes, you!) I decided to start a blog about my imminent college life, starting with my Fresman year. But I will also talk about other things; my life, things I like, etc. Meaning that I will post about anything that tickles my fancy, specially about the tales of college this new road I’m entering.

The Freshman Girl (aka Jacky)

P.S. Check this out: http://www.sparknotes.com/backtoschool/2010/freshman-year

Read it for their useful (albeit logical) tips, and, of course, for the lols.